Pharmacy Administration

Inmates tend to need more medical care than the average individual, making the corrections industry particularly vulnerable to the rapid rise in health care costs. In addition to tracking current prescriptions and providing patient education, corrections pharmacists have the extra burden of dispensing medications in an environment where security is paramount. These special challenges demand a custom-built system. Advanced Technologies Group’s (ATG) cloud enabled Pharmacy Administration System was designed from the beginning with input from providers in the corrections industry to cater to its unique characteristics.

Pharmacy Administration elevates the quality of care while improving inventory accuracy and management, and reducing maintenance time. Its core functionality automatically provides a full Drug Utilization Review (DUR), patient profile information and formulary/non-formulary checks as orders are being filled to help pharmacists choose the right medications. It also increases efficiency by automating many of the routine processes involved in filling orders. Extensive searching and reporting capabilities assist pharmacy personnel in managing inventory effectively, complying with applicable regulations, responding quickly to events such as recalls and applying for grants. The entire system is designed to cater to the unique security requirements of a correctional institution.