Offender Management Suite
ATG is unique in that we focus exclusively on providing our innovative solutions to state and federal correction and rehabilitation agencies. Advanced Technologies Group’s (ATG) Offender Management Suite (OMS) was developed by interviewing over 1,000 users from different areas of the Department of Corrections (DOC), Attorney General’s Office, State Auditors, Citizen’s Ombudsmen, Court Information Systems, Judges and Clerk of Courts, Public Safety, Legislative Bureau and several other agencies. OMS facilitates efficient daily operations of the DOC and strategic management decisions.
Each system provides DOC central office and line staff with services that make tasks simpler. ATG made a very deliberate decision to design each system to be licensed, installed and operated independently. This allows DOC to procure only what they need and also ensures that changes to one system does not unknowingly impact another. Each of our systems is designed to work seamlessly with the others, providing customers with additional efficiencies.. Having a common central database supporting institutions, community based corrections and field offices, allows Executive Management to make more informed decisions on how to improve offender re-entry initiatives, reduce recidivism and improve operational efficiencies. Furthermore, OMS is specifically designed to support sharing of information between agencies, such as Public Safety and Court Information Systems.
ATG’s systems are delivered from a cloud with the client workstation using a standard browser to access the system. We share our deep knowledge of correctional operations and systems infrastructure with the agency’s IT team to identify the best means of deploying the systems: leverage DOC’s existing infrastructure, or utilize ATG’s secure cloud or any combination of both. Our data center is monitored 24/7/365 and is audited annually using SSAE-16 SOC I Type II guidelines.
ATG continues to advance corrections software and processes. We have worked extensively to find ways to help correctional staff complete their work more efficiently by adding native support for handheld devices (PDAs and smartphones) allowing officers to access latest information directly from the cloud. This improves officer’s decision making while away from their desk as well as safety for community corrections staff.

Offender Management Suite

Holistically manages an offender population across the entire supervision continuum: pre-trial, probation, incarceration, parole, release. Tracks offender demographics, criminal history, time computation, housing, transportation, criminogenic and education needs assessment, interventions, rules and violations processing, parole board operations, and document management. Provides a comprehensive view of offenders while eliminating duplicate data collection and entry, dramatically improving staff effectiveness and efficiency.
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Administer meal plans, perform nutritional analysis. Automate procurement and provide oversight of critical control points.
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Better leverage scarce medical personnel through online medical records, scheduling and use of process “wizards” to improve quality of care.
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Assist pharmacists with dispensing prescriptions and managing pharmaceutical purchasing and inventory.
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Manage institutional and centralized commissary sales and inventory, and support “earned incentive” programs.
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Manage offender funds and automate debt collections using robust and secure financial transaction mechanisms.
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Inmate access to institution approved features such as MP3, Email, Commissary ordering, Staff Correspondence, Grievance Tracking, Account Lookup, Contract Administration, etc.
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Provide a reliable, secure and scalable inmate phone system at a cost capable of generating revenue.
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Coordinates intra-agency and public communication about incidents, manages inmate and staff investigations and evidence control.
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Incorporate information from various operations systems into a consolidated linked view of all activities. Provide security personnel with a tool to rapidly identify patterns.
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